Halloween Dreams

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October 31st, the one magical night a year to escape reality to a nighttime stage of moonlight walkways.

As the hazy October sun goes down on the small, old town, the anticipation rises to go searching for autumn confections.

Mysterious eyes glistening wildly behind the mask,

Disguised in imaginary wonder of those one could pretend to be,

On the hunt for a sampling of neighbor’s shares of luscious delights.

Walking, scampering, and running on crunchy leaves to each porch lit abode,

Unbeknownst to he who opens the creaking door whether trick…or treat…

Will commence from each scavenger during the ominous night.

Crossing paths of creeping cats decked in their celebratory colors of amber and onyx.

The long lane home winds slow, and long, to finally see the dark door to run to fast with no care.

Entering, fighting to arrive in the den to haphazardly fall on the floor to count and inventory the spoils of war from the fight between others who dared to ring the bell before and after.

Ending the night to relish in the sugary bliss falling asleep to candle lights and jack-o-lantern dreams,

Settling in from the childlike simplicity of an exhilarating Halloween.


Photos by Jeff Bouldin.  Model is Edgar Meowallan “Poe.”

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